Top Rated Apps for People with Amnesia to Download Today

Apps for People with Amnesia

Amnesia or in simpler terms, the disease that causes someone to forget. Whether it’s a task, something they do, or in worse conditions, forgetting who they are. It’s not easy to deal with such a patient since the pain of watching them forget everything is immense.

According to the stats, around 1.8% of the total population in the US is diagnosed with it, with women having a higher rate of being infected. This chance increases to 23.5 – 32/ 100,000/ year with people crossing the age of 50.

However, that doesn’t mean nothing can be done. If you know someone who’s going through this problem, then to lend a hand is a virtue. Thankfully, with the advancement in technology, you can now download apps for amnesia as well as for other diseases.

The good thing about these apps is that they can be integrated with the respective physician and hospital via the internet. When the apps run, they store the patient’s relevant details, which the concerned can easily obtain for treatment.

Hence, to ensure that the data syncs, use a reliable internet such as Xfinity. You can even contact Xfinity customer service and get an elderly discount for a plan. With this, let’s look at some of the top-rated apps for amnesia:

Apps for People with Amnesia

  1. TickTick

A simple app with an intuitive design and features, TickTick makes it easier for amnesia patients to create reminders for themselves. The good thing about this app is that the reminders don’t snooze forever.

Instead, they snooze for minutes to days, making it easier to set them for activities for the following day. In addition, the app can also be integrated with smart devices as well as emails and calendars so that the reminders keep popping up until you complete the action.

Plus, it has a Pomodoro Timer that calculates the amount of time spent on any task. The patient can create a list of tasks/ reminders, and share the list with close contacts. That way, the concerned can track the progress of the patient easily.

  1. Google Keep

Google Keep is another amazing app built to assist such patients. Since it’s a Google product, it automatically syncs with Google apps by just logging into your Google account. As for its workability, it allows you to create notes and reminders that are kept in the Keep.

You can customize these according to priority by setting the color scheme and then setting the timer for them. From daily to weekly and monthly reminders, it offers a versatile yet unique way of creating reminders that patients can easily cope with.

Plus, you don’t have to worry about integrating it with other apps and devices now and then. Just sign in to your Google account and it’ll automatically integrate it where the account has access.

  1. RememberTheMilk

As catchy as the name sounds, this app allows to set reminders as well as create to-do lists. The lists can be prioritized according to preferences in terms of date and time. It comes with a free customization theme option, and you can create whatever you like from the selected array of themes.

Plus, the app also allows you to share the list with your relatives and peers, delegating a task to them and then setting a reminder for it. It keeps the patient free from the stress of remembering what they have on their bucket list to complete for the day.

  1. Todoist

If there’s a time management app that amnesia patients can rely on, the Todosit is the topper. As the name suggests, the app allows to create to-do lists and set reminders for their completion. It can easily be integrated with your Google account whichaccount, which will automatically connect it to devices having the account connected.

In addition, it’s an easy-to-use app that works seamlessly across devices. To begin with, the patient can simply create a task, set a reminder for it, prioritize it, and let it remind them of it. Other people can also be delegated for assistance wherever needed.

It comes with recurring reminders for daily tasks and also automatically alerts the user for repeated tasks based on their past activity.

  1. To-Do Reminder

As evident from the name, this app also allows to set reminders for to-do lists easily. The good thing is that it integrates with Facebook and Google, syncing reminders such as birthdays with the calendar.

Moreover, it automatically syncs the reminders with your device that you can store as well as share with your Google Drive. It creates alarms for the reminders set as well as setting a recurring alarm that will remind the patient of the task.

Furthermore, users can also create reminders by simply using voice commands. The app will create one and automatically sync it with the calendar.

Closing Thoughts

With these apps, patients with amnesia will have a better way of interacting with tasks of their lives. From taking medicine to eating and more, these apps can help ease their lives until they get better.

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